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Religious Education

Religious Education Overview

Grayshott follows the Hampshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. The long term plan is formed directly from the units within this document, and then wherever possible, class teachers link the units to their theme work. It is left to a teacher’s professional judgement whether links to other areas of the curriculum are helpful or not.


RE unit plans from Living Difference are used as a scaffold and adapted carefully to suit the needs, age group and cohort styles found in each class. The curriculum includes learning about a range of different faiths, and during our annual Faith Week, classes took a break from their theme to study one faith in greater detail. It includes a visit to a place of worship, and culminates in a celebratory exhibition event at the end.


We always seek to promote the British values through our RE teaching, encouraging mutual respect for, as well as tolerance of, those with different beliefs and those without faith.


Parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE or Religious Worship under section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Please be aware that if a pupil is withdrawn from RE, the school has a duty to supervise him/her but is not required to provide additional teaching. Please contact the school to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher if you wish to remove your child from RE or Religious Worship.


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural learning in RE



Throughout Religious Education, key questions of meaning and truth are discussed, such as the origin of the universe, life after death, good and evil, the being of God, and values such as justice, honesty and truth. The children learn about and reflect upon important concepts and words, experiences and beliefs which are at the heart of religious tradition and practices. Children are given opportunity to consider how religious and non-religious ways of life perceive the value of human beings, and their relationships with one another, with the natural world, and perhaps with God.



The RE syllabus promotes moral development and explores valuing diversity and engaging in issues of truth, justice and trust. Children have the opportunity to explore the influence on moral choices of family, friends and the media and how society is influenced by beliefs, teachings, sacred texts and guidance from religious and non-religious leaders. Throughout the RE syllabus children are encouraged to consider what is of ultimate value to all people through studying the key beliefs and teachings from both religious and non-religious ways of life, on values and ethical codes of practice. The children study a range of moral issues, including those that focus on justice, to promote racial and religious respect and the importance of personal integrity.



Knitted into the RE syllabus are opportunities for children to consider how religious and non-religious ways of life lead to particular actions and concerns. Social development is promoted by investigating social issues from religious and non-religious perspectives, recognising diversity of viewpoint within and between religious and non-religious way of life.



Religious Education can be understood as promoting cultural development through considering the relationship between religious and non-religious ways of life and cultures and how religious and non-religious ways of life contribute to cultural identity and practices. Cultural development within RE is taught through promoting cultural understanding from a religious and non-religious perspective through encounters with people, literature, the creative and expressive arts, and resources from different cultures.  Promoting racial harmony and respect for all, combating prejudice and discrimination throughout RE promotes the necessary cultural development of all children.



Hampshire RE syllabus - Living Difference




