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School Values and Vision

Our Vision

'Acorns to Mighty Oaks'

We are acorns growing to mighty oaks.

Our roots are in Christian teachings and in a loving, supportive village and church family.

Our branches are strong moral character and a love of learning.

Our fruit will be fulfilling lives that make a positive difference in the world.


“They will be called the oaks of righteousness.”   Isaiah 61: v1-3


Our Values






LOVE - God’s love for us, Love for God, Love of ourselves, love for our families, love for our community, love for our world.  Jesus said: “Love your neighbour as yourself”  Mark 12: v31


JOY - Joy in learning, joy in our families, joy in our friends and communities, joy in living life to the full.  “ ... you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands    Isaiah 55: v12 


RESPECT - Respect for all humankind, self-respect, respect for the teaching of Jesus, respect for the environment and the world in which we live.  “Show respect to everyone...”   Peter 2: v17


COURAGE - Courage in dealing with both physical and emotional challenges, courage in acquiring new skills, knowledge and understanding, courage in doing what is right, courage in working for justice in the world.  “Be strong and very courageous.”   Joshua 1:7


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