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Grayshott CE Primary School

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Our School Eco-Committee is made up of two representatives from each class and a class teacher.  Each class representative goes through an election process, where they explain to their class why they are passionate about looking after the natural environment in our school and beyond.  The committee meets at least every half term to agree actions and next steps to make our school more eco-friendly.  Our aim has been to lead our school in actions that enable it to obtain Eco- Schools Awards.  We are very proud to have been granted the Bronze Eco-Schools Award for our work so far, and are currently making efforts to qualify for the Silver Eco-Schools Award.

What are we doing to make our school more eco-friendly?

Eco News!


Grayshott Parish Council Eco-Schools

Our previous Year 6 committee members represented the Eco-Committee at Grayshott Parish Council meeting in the village hall. They attended the meeting to inform the local councillors and members of the public about our eco schools journey. They spoke eloquently and confidently to the many councillors and local residents on the topic as well as answering some difficult questions. Everyone we spoke to was very impressed by their passion and understanding of the process and how they expressed the importance of this sort of campaign in our education. It was a great evening and we came away proud of what our committee has decided to do. 

Eco-Schools Bronze Award!

The Eco-Committee are proud to announce that they have achieved the Eco-Schools Bronze award for their work so far. The Silver certification and ultimate Green Flag are now within reach. We look forward to carrying out our chosen actions, evaluating them and seeing their impact both in our school's curriculum and student's understanding of the value of their work.


Very well done Eco-Committee!




