Our Geography Curriculum
Geography is planned at Grayshott in accordance with the requirements of the National Curriculum and linked to termly topics to ensure coverage and progression. We start from the children’s own experiences of their immediate environment to build up an understanding of the physical world and the human society in which they are growing up. First hand experiences in fieldwork and through projects are embedded in the curriculum to develop environmental and conservation awareness, including a Year 5 residential visit to Stubbington Study Centre.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Education
As outlined in our school vision, our roots are in Christian teachings and in a loving, supportive village and Church family. Geography is about the study of people, where they live and our relationship with the environment; children may explore what it would be like to be a victim of an earthquake or investigate why people migrate. Through the teaching of Geography, we can also develop children’s spiritual development by giving them the opportunity to examine their own feelings about the people, culture, place and environments that they learn about.
Through teaching Geography, we can also develop children’s moral development as many geographical issues provide opportunities for debate; for example, they may look at different views during a study of rainforests regarding deforestation. This gives children a chance to develop their own attitudes and values alongside exploring those held by various groups within society.
Our school values include Respect; for all human kind, self-respect, respect for the teaching of Jesus and respect for the environment and the world in which we live. Geography field work enhances social development as pupils develop self-discipline and collaborative skills whilst debates and discussions teach children to learn to respect each other and the environment, for example when exploring the blue planet and global warming with an emphasis on how they can make a difference.
Geography supports cultural development by helping children to understand different cultures. Through geography children look at how different cultures and beliefs can impact on the environment and human issues. Children look at different countries and are introduced to their customs and traditions allowing pupils to develop their humility and an understanding of the world right from the Reception year.