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Grayshott CE Primary School

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Grayshott PTA

Welcome to the PTA!

The school has an active Parent Teacher Association (PTA), which organises activities for fundraising and just for fun.

All parents of children at the school are automatically members of the PTA – If you’d like to play a more active role in fundraising and getting involved please get in touch with your class rep.


Who are we? The PTA Committee and Class Reps

Chair – Sophie Woolliscroft

Vice Chair Sophie Greeff

Secretary – Maxim Armour

Treasurer – Rob van Eyken

School Uniform Queries - Rob Van Eyken


Class Reps

Reception (Red Class) – Carly Wilson

Year 1 (Yellow Class) – Claire Jenkins

Year 2 (Blue Class) – Erika Hughes

Year 3 (Purple Class) – Marie-Claire Rogerson

Year 4 (Green Class) – Sophie Greeff

Year 5 (Silver Class) –  Alice Cowan/Helen Cobbold

Year 6 (Gold Class) – Natasha Arif/Nicola Vercoe


Upcoming PTA meetings

See dates in our school calendar


Previous PTA events (to give you an idea of some of the events that have previously taken place)

New ideas welcome!

'Fun on the Field' event

School Disco

Christmas Fair

Barn Dance


Car Boot Sale

Quiz Night


How we spend the funds raised

The PTA use the funds raised to help provide the 'extras' that cannot be funded within the school budget but that make life at the school that much more enjoyable and enriching for our children. This year the PTA has spent over £9,000 on a variety of activities and resources, in order to help provide a diverse range of benefits for our children including:  

  • An additional class set of mini iPads
  • Books for the end of year awards

  • 4 class sets of dictionaries

  • Christmas pantomime

  • Sports kit for inter-school competitions (KS1 and KS2)

  • £700 worth of new books for the school library

  • Outdoor resources for Red & Yellow classes


None of this would have been possible without the work of the PTA committee, and the continued support of all those who help to organise, participate in and attend these events and activities. Thank you!


Other ways of fundraising

Easyfundraising is an incredibly easy way of raising money for the school, simply by shopping on the internet as you normally would. Every time you shop with the retailers taking part in the scheme, the school will receive a donation – it costs you nothing!
There are a huge range of retailers involved, including booking.com, Next, John Lewis, Amazon, Easyjet and thetrainline.com.  To take part, simply click on the link below and register as a user. Select “Grayshott Primary School” as the cause you wish to support. http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/grayshottps


Whenever you shop at any of the websites involved simply use the link above to get to the site, and they will make a donation to the school whenever you make a purchase. Also if you use the search engine www.easysearch.org.uk, the school gets a donation every time you use it – no purchase necessary.






