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Our Vision Ambassadors

Today we held our half-termly Vision Ambassadors worship in school. This is a chance to reflect on the school’s vision and values, think about aspects of our Collective Worship from the previous half term, and also celebrate and recognise the achievements of our pupils. Each half term, teachers elect two children for their class who have demonstrated a commitment to ‘walking the walk’ when it comes to our shared vision.

Our Vision

 'Acorns to Mighty Oaks'

We are acorns growing to mighty oaks.

Our roots are in Christian teachings and in a loving, supportive village and church family.

Our branches are strong moral character and a love of learning.

Our fruit will be fulfilling lives that make a positive difference in the world.


“They will be called the oaks of righteousness.”   Isaiah 61: v1-3


This half term the following children were chosen and received certificates to show our appreciation of their daily commitment:

Red                        Yellow                  Blue                       Purple                  Green                   Silver                    Gold

George                 Evie R                    Savina                   Millie                     Cian                        Amy                      William
Avaani                 Jocelyn                   Bella                      Morgan                 Ola                         George                 Ted


Well done to them, and to all of our children who put so much into their learning each day.





