To access ebooks (our subscription to Europe’s largest online library) please click on this link.
Your child will be able to login with their normal computer login name. This is normally their first name followed by their last name with a full stop in between.
The password has been shared with your children and class reps.
The school library is managed with the assistance of Pupil Librarians from Silver and Gold classes. These trained volunteers work in teams of two or three during lunchtimes.
Each team is assigned a set of fiction shelves and a set of non-fiction shelves which are their responsibility to keep tidy and in the correct order.
The primary responsibilities of a Pupil Librarian are to put away any books that have been returned by other pupils and to ensure that books on their assigned shelves are in good order.
Additionally, they may be asked to:
- stamp and barcode new books
- cover books that have been labelled with reading level or non-fiction class
- enter new books on the library catalogue on the computer
- “batch” return topic books from a specific year group
- issue new topic books to a year group
- add newly borrowed Schools Library Service books to the computer catalogue.